Mrs Masie Jessie Sargeant
It is with great sadness that we record the passing of Mrs Sargeant on 22nd October. She was a very active member of the Harmer Hill community for many decades giving her time selflessly to supporting the village.
One of the founding members of the Village Hall Tote, she was responsible for collecting the majority of subscriptions. There were around 200 Tote members in the 80's paying monthly and Mrs Sargeant collected over half of these by herself, a phenomenal effort. It's fair to say when she knocked on your door, you didn't say no!
She was accomplished at crochet and knitting and taught many to knit over the years. Several charities benefitted from her knitting prowess; latterly the premature baby unit at Stoke receiving over 300 knitted bonnets, prompting a special thank you!
Masie's special interests were tennis, motor sport and snooker being well informed on all three.
Her cream horns were legendary at the village whist drive and undoubtedly doubled the attendance, not for the card game but for the tea break!
Thanks seem a little inadequate for this special lady but still a big thank you from the Village Hall Committee, Tote members and wider Harmer Hill community.
Masie's funeral is to be held at Hadnall Church on Tuesday 12th November at 2pm, followed by interment in the cemetery.